
Monday, October 26, 2015


These yoga exercises are the simplified form of makarasana developed by Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi. This is a simple yoga asana not involving extreme stretching exercises for the lower back pain compared with other exercises. So this form can be practiced by anyone who does not have any yogic background either. All necessary measures mentioned in the yoga postures should also be considered in this exercise. One has to do this exercise with an empty stomach. For better result, morning hours are more preferable.

Benefits of Makarasana

Practicing this yoga exercise daily makes one free from the uneasiness of back pain. Even though, this yoga exercise is more emphasized in the lower back pain relief but also energizes the glands present in the region of the stomach. The blood circulation becomes normal in all parts of the body that in turn controls the blood pressure. As this yoga exercise has a direct impact on the backbone, the problems related to the spinal cord will be controlled and the entire nervous system is relaxed. The joint pains get relieved and in women this yoga asana helps to balance the menstrual cycle.
  • Regulates the endocrine system.
  • Keeps the spine and spinal nerves flexible and healthy.
  • Strengthens the backbone and the spinal cord.
  • Reduces the excessive sugar in urine and blood.
  • Removes unwanted flesh and strengthens the body.
  • Regulates the menstrual system.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Man consists of four phenomena: body, soul, knowledge (or mind) and Truth. The truth is the primordial state and mind is the result of the joint activities of the soul and body. Thus, man is mainly body and soul. The body is only an instrument for the soul. The body is an expression of the soul. The body is the physical expression and a vehicle for the soul.The souls of father and mother, take birth as their child. Child is the next birth of its father and mother. The soul of a child starts its functions from the time of conception itself. According to the imprints of all the qualities of the parents, their souls jointly take the form of a new soul as an offspring and as the continuation in the chain of births.In fact, the souls of the parents construct their own chromosomes according to the quality and strength of their imprints of Karmas and then the chromosomes of the parents join together and take the form of a child. The soul exists and its functions start the time of union of chromosomes. Disembodied souls never enter into a lifeless body or fetus. Theory of rebirth or reincarnation is not valid that only the souls of the dead alone could take rebirth. Another theory is the animals and even birds could reincarnate as human and vice-versa is wrong. The characterised bio-magnetic waves of life-energy for different species are different and they cannot be altered abruptly. Any change in any species will only occur gradually through the evolutionary system and hereditary links. Thus, we have to rule out the possibility of a dog becoming man in one jump or even one hundred jumps. The previous births of any human being are only his or her father and mother and grandfathers and grand mothers and so on. For every person there have been thousands of previous births, harking back to one called organism. Soul of a dead person becomes attached to a living person but is not able to show its full force because of the mental strength of the latter or because of inopportune circumstances, it takes its seat in the seed-cells and is carried onward by the soul of the living person. It continues its existence in the chromosomes which are formed from that person's imprints. The child's imprints formed from such chromosomes are mixed with the imprints of attached soul. If it is a violent soul, the conflict within the life force of the fetus may cause abortion; otherwise the child is born healthy. After the development of its brain cells by the age of three, the imprints of the attached soul will begin to work. Then the boy or girl shows clairvoyance and talks about its previous birth. The description it gives is large and accurate. Similarly a person with whom a ghost has attached, getting into trance state and attributing to himself all the qualities of attached should, including its name, age and sex.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


 The life force is the basic force in the Universe. Particles are small pieces, bits, fragments, or parts of a whole. Life-Force Particles then can be defined as fragments of the life force known as you. Our power is determined by the quantity of life-force particles we have available. Life-force particles affect every area of life. Life-force particles are bits of energy . It’s our energy. Life-force particles are the fuel, the energy, we use to make things happen, to create exactly what we want in our life. The amount of success we have in life is correlative to the amount of life-force particles. Many people have a goal to simply survive, to get by in life; others have a goal to prosper and help others to prosper, and there is a wide range in between these two. Each increment could be seen as a level of acceptance. It’s not just a matter of what you already have accepted; it is also what you aspire to accept and receive.Whatever you are willing to accept and receive, you will draw to you. What you now have, and what you aspire to have, are purely a function of what you have permitted yourself to have, or what you are willing to permit yourself to have in the future. Let yourself receive the riches of life in direct ratio to how much you think you deserve them! First take a look and see if we are unknowingly (or knowingly) committing misdeeds against self and other people, and if we find anything of that nature, correct it. In humans, life force particles spin inside atoms and move in between clusters of atoms that a magnetic field is formed. This magnetic field also comprises the waves that emerge from the brain cells. The magnetic field formed is called as Bio-Magnetism this is the energy repository of a human body.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


  • helps to improve defective eyesight by toning the nerves and tissues around the eyes.
  • Prevents eye strain, burning sensation and other eye diseases.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


  • Strengthens the lower abdomen muscles.
  • Ventilates the lungs and purifies the blood.
  • Oxygenises all the glands and organs.
  • Helps curing headache, insomnia, asthma and other bronchial troubles.
  • Improves grasping power and memory power.